A Neighbourhood Recycling Scheme has been developed for Cliftonville West to enable a greater number of residents to recycle using a kerbside collection.

The scheme has been set up for residents who live in the Cliftonville West area (see list of roads below), although if successful TDC would like to roll this out to other areas of Thanet that currently do not have access to kerbside recycling.
Some of the roads already receive a recycling collection but due to high contamination levels TDC are also including these in the scheme. This should help reduce contamination of the bins as only those residents who wish to recycle will receive a recycling collection. It is therefore very important that if you currently receive recycling in your road, and it is one of the roads listed, that you sign up to continue, otherwise you will lose your recycling collection.
TDC recognise that a large number of properties in this area are not easily suitable for recycling collections, hence a reason why the council has not offered recycling before. This scheme will enable those residents that wish to recycle the necessary opportunities.
Policies that apply regarding storage, presentation, collection and contamination for standard collections also apply to the recycling collections. It remains the responsibility of the resident to ensure appropriate storage and presentation of the bins.
Once the Scheme closes on 8 March 2015 TDC will deliver any requested bins by the end of March 2015 and email details of the collection day and dates.
Once the service starts, only those registered to take part will be included.
For further information please phone the council's customer contact centre on 01843 577115
The area included in the scheme:
Albion Road
Arthur Road
Athelstan Road
Cumberland Avenue
Dalby Road
Dalby Square
Eastern Esplanade (Sweyn Road to Surrey Road)
Edgar Road
Ethelbert Crescent
Ethelbert Gardens
Ethelbert Road
Ethelbert Terrace
First Avenue
Fort Crescent (from Trinity Square to Ethelbert Road)
Fort Paragon
Godwin Road
Gordon Road
Harold Road inc Coach House Mews and Montefiore Court
Lewis Crescent
Norfolk Road
Northdown Road (both sides) from Trinity Square to Warwick Road
Percy Road
Randolph Square
St Pauls Road
Second Avenue
Stanley Road
Surrey Road
Sweyn Road
The Passage
Third Avenue
Trinity Square
Warwick Road
Zion Place